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Developer Pokemon, Game Freak, Dikabarkan Terkena Hack

Game Freak, selaku developer pokemon mengakui bahwa servernya terkena hack. Ada aktifitas pihak ketiga tak dikenal yang mengakses server perusahaan, dampaknya; banyak data penting seperti nama, email karyawan, kode sumber, game baru, project lama, dan desain beta dari game pokemon.

Perusahaan game ini pun membuat pernyataan resmi terkait hal ini;

Notice and apology regarding the leak of personal information following unauthorized access

Game Freak Inc. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Satoshi Tajiri; hereinafter referred to as “our company”) has discovered that personal information of employees and others was leaked in connection with unauthorized access to our server by a third party in August 2024. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and concern caused to all involved.

1. Leaked personal information
Personal data regarding our employees, etc.
Items: Name, company email address
Number of items: 2,606,
*Our employees and contract workers (including former employees and ex-employees)

2. Responses to individuals whose personal information has been leaked
We are contacting the affected employees individually. For those who cannot be contacted individually due to resignation or other reasons, we will notify them through this announcement and set up a contact point to respond to inquiries regarding this matter.

3. Measures to prevent recurrence
We have already rebuilt and inspected the server, and will strive to prevent recurrence by further strengthening our security measures.

4. Inquiries regarding this matter
If you are affected by this matter, please contact the following office for inquiries:
[Inquiry form]

Intinya; perusahaan game freaks meminta maaf atas bocornya data personal para staff dan mantan staff yang terdampak serta berjanji akan memperkuat servernya agar tidak mudah dibajak oleh pihak yang tak bertanggungjawab.